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In-App Help

Help can be accessed by touching and holding the area of interest

First Use

A new password must be provided upon initial installation. The password must have a minimum of six characters. Nuggets can now be added.


Select Nuggets

While on the main screen touch select, nuggets are now selectable... selected nuggets can be shared, duplicated, printed or removed.

Add Nuggets

While on the main screen touch add. Provide nugget name when prompted. Fields can now be added.

Edit Nugget Name

Touch nugget then touch nugget name to edit

Share Nuggets

Select nuggets and then touch share. Provide a sharing password (receiver will use this password to import shared nuggets). Follow options and prompts to share

Duplicate Nuggets

Select nuggets and then touch duplicate to duplicate selected nuggets.

Print Nuggets

Selected nuggets will be printed.

NOTE: Use this with caution! Make sure that the printer being used is nearby or in a private location! This feature is intended as a hard backup to be put away in a private place in case all else breaks.

Remove Nuggets

Select nuggets and then touch remove to remove selected.

Filter Nuggets

Type in filter phrase and touch the filter button. Touch the cancel to remove filter.

Filter can be applied to:

Sort Nuggets

Nuggets can be sorted ascending/descending by:


Reorder Fields

While inside a nugget touch the reorder button then touch up/down to reorder fields

Select Fields

While inside a nugget touch the select button, fields are now selectable... selected fields can be removed.

Add Fields

While inside a nugget touch the add button. Provide field name when prompted and then fill in field content.

Remove Fields

Select fields and then touch remove to remove selected fields.

Edit Field Name

Touch the field name to edit



A bit of information about the app and the device.


App color can be changed.

Lock Settings

Lock settings can be customized as follows:

Change Login

Change the login/main password

Date Patterns

This is a data entry convenience tool. Preformatted date patterns can be created and used when entering field data.

Example: If a date pattern of "Dec 5 2021" is desired then do the following:

Password Patterns

This is a data entry convenience tool. Preformatted password patterns can be created and used when entering field data.

If for example the desired password requires the following attributes:

A pattern like "Za@99" would generate passwords that satisfy the requirement. To create this pattern do the following:


Provide a name (optional) and a password to create a backup


To restore a backup:

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